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Greeting Card Design on Etsy

Hello, my dear friends,

I really need your little attention to my work! Hopefully, it's will be not too much for you to open that mail and take a look...

Well, a lot has happened sense I did my last post., but I hope my post finds you well!

I'm working now on my new Etsy Print design shop and I would like to get from you some feedback about how I've done maybe you will have some suggestions for me.


I am on the way to setting up a new rubric where I will publish my designs from my digital sets.

It's should be baby greeting card designs, Every day, Wedding, Birthday, and something else. maybe you can offer?

So the question is: Is photoshop or Canva Template you would think could be better?

Also, I would love to see you all on my new Instagram here:

Have a very nice day and happy designing!

Alisa Mikibith Art



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